Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Big Sister Aaliyah

Aaliyah is doing really good with the arrival of baby benjamin. At first she was excited, and than when we brought him home she was having mommy withdrawals, so she was feeling a little clingy, but didn't hardly notice Ben. Now she asks to hold him, and stops to talk to him every once and a while. Thank goodness !

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Totally unprepared am I..... to face the world of men

Watching Jesse and how having a son has changed him in ways that we didn't know was possible I consider life will be with a son. Looking at my little man, and watching other toddlers, and young boys i still feel in a daze, that i now have a son. boys are so different than girls, and there are times that i totally don't feel prepared to raise a son. You know when Jesse and I first talked about our little boy right after he was born, we both felt so blessed. Sometimes it seems that in life you can want something, yearn and cry out for something but that thing never seems to happen. Now we have a boy to carry on the weaver name, and to be a momma's boy.

Monday, January 29, 2007

So Cute !

Well baby Micah Victor Crabtree arrived only 4 days after our Baby boy Benjamin was born. Micah was actually due on the 21st so he came when he was expected Ben however was a week early.(he was induced) Micah is my first nephew from one of my brothers, I have several other nephews from my sister in law, and my step sister. Anyhow, isn't he so totally cute! My brother is a daddy, how exciting! I am so glad that one of my brothers have joined me in the world of parenting. I am a little sad however, that I can't be there to share in all the moments that my nephew will have. We love you baby boy !

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Frick! The Streak is broken allready.

Well dangit anyways! As you may have noticed, I didn't get a picture posted yesterday. I was doing so good too. Oh well, I just have to forget about it and carry on I guess. So, here are some pictures of my other sweeties. Yeah, we're gonna do a two-fer today since we missed a post yesterday. Well carry on my sweeties and your breakfast of champions!

Friday, January 26, 2007

An Announcement

Here is an announcement that I put together from the idea we got from our nephew Max's announcement. We liked theirs, so we decided to do our own version.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Meet your nephew

Well today, my sister Anna got to meet Ben for the first time. Unfortunately, I was at work while she was in town so I didn't get to see her. I am glad you got to meet my baby boy though!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Proud Daddy

Me and my favorite boy. This is one of the first pictures taken of him right after he was born.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

What's that? Yeah that's right, another picture of Ben!

Yeah well, that's my life right now, I mean common, how can I not post more pictures of my little guy? He's perfect! This is the picture that we decided to use for the baby announcement / baby shower invitation.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Mamma and Her Boy

A little alone time with Ben. Melinie is enjoying her new baby boy on his fourth day with us. He had his first checkup today, and everything looks great. Now we just need to learn how to live with our new five person family, both an adventure and a struggle.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Beautiful Baby

Here's Benjamin hanging out on our bed at home, waiting to go to bed for the night. Cute baby boy. Your jealous huh?

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Nappin Away

Hmmm, I think we may be developing a bit of a theme here. Well, tough for you. If you don't like looking at pictures of the cutest little boy in the world, you may want to go elsewhere for a little while! So, today is go home day, and we couldn't be happier. We get to take our new little guy to see his new home. Of course with an event like a first homecoming, there are bound to be more pictures over at the other site.

Friday, January 19, 2007

My name is Ben - Hear me ROAR!!!

Well, here is the first official outfit (sorry mom.) We wanted to get some pictures taken, and of course the growing families people wanted to come by and get some pictures taken. We will get a link to those whenever they are up. Again, more pics over at the other site.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

It's a Boy!!! WOOOOOHHOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!11!11one!

Please welcome to the world on Mr. Benjamin Samuel Weaver! That's right, my family is now a five member exclusive club with two girls and one boy. Just like my family. I honestly couldn't be prouder, and I was sooo excited to tell everyone that we had a boy! We hadn't found out what the baby was going to be, so it was a great surprise for everybody. I even sent out a text message to several people that gave the birth stats, but didn't say if it was a boy or a girl on purpose, just so I could call and tell them in person.

Ok, so as for those birthing stats. Melinie's labor officially began at 9:00am this morning January 18, 2007, and she delivered our baby boy at 1:06 PM. Which by the way Steve I believe that has me closest on our pool ;^) So he was absolutely perfect, with no major complications during or after delivery. He is 8 lbs. 1 oz, and 20 inches.

When I saw him come out I yelled IT'S A BOY!! and Melinie started crying pretty good, which of course made me start crying. I was so excited to go down to the waiting room and tell our family that was there (My mom and dad, Luke and Pam) the great news. Thanks for being there for our special day, we really appreciate it. We look forward to introducing everyone to our new family member soon, but for now you just have to see him here! If you are reading this on A Resolution, pop on over to Weaver Family Central for more pics.

Ok, this is coming to you very late for me, and after hours of searching for an active hotspot that isn't locked down or weak sauce, I finally found SpokaneHotZone that I could connect to in the cafeteria at SHMC. Thank you , thank you 180 networks and everyone else providing internet in downtown Spokane.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

T Minus One

Alright people! This is it. We are going in to the hospital tomorrow morning at 6:00 am to have Melinie induced. By this time tomorrow we are going to have our third baby. We haven't found out if it is a boy or a girl, so we are pretty excited! We have had what the sex of the baby is in an envelope ever since our first ultrasound, so Melinie has done great making it this far. I wasn't sure if she was going to make it. So, come back tomorrow for our official announcement of baby Benjamin or Audrey.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Loving to take pictures........

Joys of Childhood

Many of you know that I (Melinie) love photography. Someday maybe soon I will have the equipment necessary to take, and at times develop, my own film. This photo taken of Sierra a little over a year ago was recently published in a international photography booked called Endless Journeys and I am told it will be sold at major book stores.

Monday, January 15, 2007

My Girls

Here are a couple of my favorite girls in the world. I absolutely love this picture. Aaliyah's look is priceless, Sierra has her princess smile on, and we are looking good. You're getting kinda jealous aren't you?

Sunday, January 14, 2007


....that's about all I have to say about that. Oh, except that Shaun Alexander is still the man, and he's gonna kick all sorts a' bootie next year. You go 37!

Saturday, January 13, 2007

Reading Time

Well, this one isn't from today, but we just took it easy and stayed home today. This is Grandpa
Weaver from his last visit here taking a little time out to read to our girlies. They always like seeing gramma and granpa, and it is great when they get to spend time with them.

Friday, January 12, 2007

A Familiar Place

Its 7:00 am on Friday and the current temperature is 4 degrees, I was up all night with contractions that were 3-5 minutes apart. Usually that's a classic sign that one's in labor.
So we packed the girls up and set out for the hospital. Much to my disappointment, however,
because the baby is so far back against my back the contractions aren't doing what they
are supposed to do, and I hadn't progressed much since last week. I was told that back labor can be drawn for days, or weeks..... *sigh*
No baby for today!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Ripples in the sand.......

As is the case with anyone there are things in my life that bring disappointment, hurt and laughter and joy. The betrayal of a friend or family member maybe that causes an ache of disappointment and hurt. The milestones and steps that each child takes toward being greater adults bring great joy to my life. The birth of a nephew. unmet expectation. Something you thought was unconditional is not but all these things will pass like ripples in the sand, they will not last forever.
Here I am awaiting the arrival of our third child wondering how I will manage with three. Now, i know that many of you out there who have raise three would like to assure me that three is no different than two. That everything will be fine! It seems so strange to me the things in life that can seem overwhelming are so easy for those who have already walked through it. perhaps because of my current condition my isolation doesn't help my overwhelming sense that the tides coming in, so I better move or get swept out to sea.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Movie Night

Well tonight I set out with the girls to find something to do, actually Jesse is in high demand these days and has been gone most nights this week and last leaving us lacking. The girls start whinnying when daddy doesn't come home therefore i decided that I was going to take them to our local valley mall so that they could play on the new little play area. Little did i know that it was blizzarding out side we made one stop and then the roads turned to pure ice. Being only a mere week and a half away from my due date I was a little bit freaked out being on the roads in these dangerously hazardous conditions therefore I told the girls we were going home and having a movie night. I bought them twizzlers, and popcorn which they enjoyed while watching Toy Story 2.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

My Sweety

Just a quick pic of my baby girl Aaliyah tonight. This is one that Melinie took, and I just thought it was a cute little candid.

Monday, January 8, 2007

My Nemesis

Ok, so for the last year and a half, it has been an ongoing battle between me and my 1990 Honda Accord to keep it running. It is getting to the point that it seems like some new ailment is befalling the poor old laborious beast. It started when one scorching hot day two summers ago when the only forward gear the car would drive in was third! Then it was the battery, then the starter (which I have replaced three times now) oh, and the transmission was always leaking fluid (which was finally successfully fixed.) The ignition broke and we had to replace it, so now I have one key for the doors, and another for the ignition. And the key is still stuck in the ignition 4 out of 5 times I turn the car off. The handle on the inside of the drivers door is broken, the seat doesn't move forward, the sport transmission light flashes constantly, the check engine light comes on every time I get off the freeway. And now the latest, yes the battery is dead yet again. I am however becoming a pro at jumping. Frick! This is why we don't get nice things kids.

Sunday, January 7, 2007

In a Blur.......

Well today its My turn (Melinie) to contribute to this new blog. This picture really explains how I feel about being nine months pregnant and having a two year old and a four year old, like my days will never slow down. I know that I don't have much hope for any slack in pace for the next few month, or lets be honest years. Children are such a blessing and yet at times that blessing comes in a disguise.

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Sleeping Beauty

So, as you can see, this post is comin' around a little late. That is precisely what prompted the (mmmgghhhmmm ,clears throat) subject of this piece. She was just looking all cute sleepin on the couch while I caught up on the details of the latest Seahawks victory. Woohoo!! You go Alexander!

Friday, January 5, 2007

My Dancin' Queen

Here is a little action shot of my little sweety Aaliyah. I just thought this was a fun little shot showing a lot of potential. We were finishing up with our small group at church, and the kids were just having a good old time running and dancing to Jeremy Camp's new album which you {jedi mind powers} MUST BUY!{/jedi mind powers} Aaliyah is enjoying her running title as the baby of the family. A title she is, unbeknownst to her, soon to loose (see previous post :^) Have a great weekend, I know I will, I'm gonna make biscuits and gravy! Yumm!

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Trial Run One

Well, tonight Melinie was having some pretty severe back pain, and her Dr. advised her to go to the hospital "just in case." But alas, no baby tonight. Bummer! This is a quick little shot that I took on our way out to the car. Hopefully it shows up a little better on a good monitor, because mine is a giant piece of crap. So here you go, Melinie trial run one.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

A Little Baby Love

Well, we put the crib together for our soon to arrive baby, and Melinie just couldn't help herself. Since we aren't going to find out what we are having until the actual arrival, she put the bedding sets for a boy and a girl in there. So, there you have it, I had to get a picture of it.

Tuesday, January 2, 2007

This Present life

Well, this is the location that I have spent the majority of my work life for the last three months. It is a residence in north idaho, and that Denver Bronco's Bar stool in the center is my throne. I have been programming a control system there with my partner in crime to the left Terry Lange. My time of endentured servitude, it would seem, will be coming to a completion soon however with the end of this project. Hallelujah, and on to bigger and better things.

Monday, January 1, 2007

De la Uno

Ok, this is it! The first picture in what will hopefully be a series of 365. As you can see, we are starting off with something a with a little photoshop action. I am ok with that, and if I have the time, I will probably do a little touch up on most of my pictures.
So, without further ado, I give you picture 1....Sierra.

A Resolution

For my new year's resolution this year, I decided to do something just a little different than my usual fare. My goal for the year is to have a photo journal of mine and my families life with a picture every day for an entire year. Some days if I have the time, I may work on the photos in Photoshop to create composites, special effects, or just some touch up work. Usually they will be pictures that either I or my wife have taken, but I can think of some situations where I would make an exception. I may not always be able to post the picture that day, but I hope to at least take the picture that day, even if I have to post it later. I'm sure there may be days that will get missed, but I will do my best. It's more for me than for you anyways ;^) Wish me luck.